
What is

Random projects designed to distribute obscure utilities for use in - primarily - the cable company industry.


AutoBk is a utility designed to automate the backup process of various video processing devices used by cable companies across the world. The various vendors (Motorola/Arris/Commscope, Harmonic, Cisco/Synamedia) charge for their solution, and generally it isn't very good. AutoBk is designed to be a free, open-source alternative to these solutions.


AutoBk-P is the heart of the AutoBk system and the one that does the actual work. It's a Python script that runs 24/7 and runs backups of a slew of devices, currently:

AutoBk Controller

Currently Under Development

AutoBk Controller is a web based GUI for easy maintenance and operations of AutoBk.

AutoBk CLI

Currently Under Development

Command line tool for interacting with AutoBk.

AutoBk GUI


AutoBk GUI is the original web GUI for AutoBk. It is highly unoptimized and requires extremely manual installation. For more info, reach out.

3D Print Designs


Several designs free to be used and modified for various needs in a pinch.